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October 2024 forum — via Zoom only

 Friday, October 11, 9-10:15 a.m.

Zoom link: https://socrates.zoom.us/j/5012354036?pwd=SkIvZGdudVI1N0plS1FoZXVpMDByZz09&omn=94427740804

Presenter: Olivia Carroll, Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Minnesota

Xcel’s New Time-of-Use Rate Proposal: Why it's Important and What it Means for Customers

In December 2023, Xcel Energy proposed a default rate to charge residential customers different rates depending on what time of day they use energy. Under their original plan, electricity would be priced highest between 3 and 8 p.m.— costing customers around 7 times more than between midnight and 6 a.m. Comments submitted by CUB, other stakeholders, and Xcel's own customers expressed numerous concerns about the potential impact of those rates. Xcel has since revised its proposal by significantly reducing price differentials, as well as shortening the "peak period" and moving it later in the day. The comment period is currently open for the public to provide feedback before the Public Utilities Commission decides whether to approve the rate. Join us to learn more about Xcel's proposal, how it could be improved, and how time-of-use rates could impact Xcel's residential customers if approved.

Olivia Carroll is a Regulatory Advocate for CUB Minnesota. She joined the Citizens Utility Board of Minnesota in August 2023 upon graduating from the University of Minnesota Law School with a concentration in Environmental and Energy Law. While in law school, Olivia worked with several non-profit organizations focusing on issues of clean energy infrastructure and environmental impacts of climate change.

All Southcentral Minnesota Clean Energy Council events are free and open to the public.