Previous Events
What's coming on energy issues in the 2025 Minnesota legislative session
Friday, January 10, 2025
Minnesota legislators discuss energy policy in the upcoming 2025 Minnesota Legislature with Sen. Nick Frentz (North Mankato) and Rep. Luke Frederick (Mankato).
The Zoom recording is here.
“We're All Plastic People Now” video and discussion with Jane Dow of Beyond Plastics and Mankato Zero Waste
Friday November 8th, 2024
The video of the forum is here.
The video only of "We’re All Plastic People Now" is here.
This forum was led by members of Mankato Zero Waste and Beyond Plastics Mankato.
Introduced by actor and environmentalist Ted Danson, the film "We’re All Plastic People Now" investigates the hidden story of plastic and its effects on human health. In an era of throw-away ease, convenience has cost us our well-being. "We’re All Plastic People Now" asks the question: How much evidence do we need before we decide to take action?
Xcel’s New Time-of-Use Rate Proposal: Why it's Important and What it Means for Customers
Friday, October 11, 2024
Presenter: Olivia Carroll, Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Minnesota
The presentation is here.
The video is here.
In December 2023, Xcel Energy proposed a default rate to charge residential customers different rates depending on what time of day they use energy. Under their original plan, electricity would be priced highest between 3 and 8 p.m.— costing customers around 7 times more than between midnight and 6 a.m. Comments submitted by CUB, other stakeholders, and Xcel's own customers expressed numerous concerns about the potential impact of those rates. Xcel has since revised its proposal by significantly reducing price differentials, as well as shortening the "peak period" and moving it later in the day. The comment period is currently open for the public to provide feedback before the Public Utilities Commission decides whether to approve the rate. Join us to learn more about Xcel's proposal, how it could be improved, and how time-of-use rates could impact Xcel's residential customers if approved.
Olivia Carroll is a Regulatory Advocate for CUB Minnesota. She joined the Citizens Utility Board of Minnesota in August 2023 upon graduating from the University of Minnesota Law School with a concentration in Environmental and Energy Law. While in law school, Olivia worked with several non-profit organizations focusing on issues of clean energy infrastructure and environmental impacts of climate change.
Active transportation benefits everyone
Friday, September 13, 2024
Presenter: Cindy Winters of Greater Mankato Bike and Walk Advocates
The video is here.
Cindy's presentation is here.
Active transportation means biking, walking and rolling. The Greater Mankato Bike and Walk Advocates (GMBWA) works with city and county governments to make it easier and safer for residents to use active transportation. Greater Mankato's great trail system currently serves primarily as recreation. But connections to the places where people work, worship and go to school is missing. The GMBWA promotes the benefits of smart street design so that people feel safe walking, biking and rolling for their health, the environment and the economy.
Dr. Simon Clark on next generation batteries
Friday, August 9, 2024
The video is here.
A PDF of the presentation is here.
Dr. Simon Clark leads EU research activities that leverage artificial intelligence and robotics to develop new battery technology that can help society address climate change. His talk gave an overview of recent advances in the battery field and highlighted actions that are needed to meet long-term market demands. Dr. Clark is currently a Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF Industry in Trondheim, Norway.
Expanding Energy Democracy in Minnesota through Cooperatively Owned Solar
Friday, June 14, 2024
Presenters: Bryn Shank and Kyle Samejima of Cooperative Energy Futures (CEF)
The video is here.
The presentation is here.
Bryn Shank and Kyle Samejima explained the concept of energy democracy and how Mankato area residents can benefit through a new solar garden near Mankato. CEF's prioritizes equity in all aspects of its programming and has developed eight community based solar gardens. It also works to make rooftop solar available to low-income renters and affordable housing projects without debt or upfront costs.
Climate Action 101: What Cities and Counties Can Do
Friday, May 10, 2024
Presenter: Abby Finis, Principal at Local Climate Solutions
The video is here.
Abby's presentation is here.
Abby consults on climate solutions with state, county and local governments. She has deep experience in energy and climate research and analysis, stakeholder facilitation, state and local regulatory authorities and program implementation.
Abby co-hosts a podcast, City Climate Corner, that focuses on climate action in small and mid-sized cities. She currently serves on the Steering Committee for the Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan and was previously a co-chair of the Minneapolis Energy Vision Advisory Board. In 2018, Abby was recognized as 40 Under 40 award recipient from Midwest Energy News. She holds a master's degree in urban and regional planning from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Oregon.
The Morris Model
Friday, April 12, 2024
Presenter: Griffin Peck, Sustainability Project Coordinator for the City of Morris, Minnesota, and Morris Model Coordinator
Video of Zoom is here. The chat is here.
Griffin's presentation is here.
Griffin Peck is a graduate of the University of Minnesota-Morris. During their time at Morris they worked closely under Troy Goodnough, the Director of Sustainability at the Morris Campus, collecting electrical and thermal energy data for the school and benchmarking the data for future uses.
Griffin works on sustainability projects for the City of Morris, The Morris Model and Stevens County, including compiling a greenhouse gas emissions inventory of the City's operations. The goal of the inventory is to understand the impacts of city operations and to explore options for Morris becoming a Net Zero Carbon City.
Sustainable, Resilient Rochester
Friday, March 8, 2024
Presenter: Lauren Jensen, Energy & Sustainability Manager, Destination Medical Center Economic Development Agency
Video of Zoom is here. The chat is here.
Lauren's presentation is here.
Lauren discussed Rochester’s path to becoming a more sustainable, resilient community, from the adoption of greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals to the plans and projects to achieve them. Building decarbonization, transportation electrification and mixed-use development are the key areas for the city to significantly reduce communitywide emissions. Lauren shared an overview of projects in Rochester, with a specific focus on the city’s efforts to electrify its municipal buildings and develop a downtown district energy system.
Lauren Jensen has spent the past seven years in the field of sustainability with experience in both the nonprofit and local government sectors. Prior to joining Destination Medical Center Economic Development Agency (DMC), Lauren was the Sustainability Coordinator with the City of Rochester. She has also worked with an urban forestry nonprofit in California, developed community education on stormwater management in Winona County, and managed a campaign for Clean Water Action Minnesota on sustainable food systems.
What’s in Store for Minnesota Climate and Weather in the Decades Ahead
February 9, 2024
Presenter: Dr. Suzanna Clark of the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership
Video of Dr. Clark's presentation
Dr. Suzanna Clark is a Climate Resilience Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership (MCAP). She holds a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Prior to joining MCAP, she lived and worked in a variety of places, from Southern California to Germany to New England, and researched topics including harmful algal blooms (a.k.a. "Red Tides"), renewable energy and climate change.
The successes and failures of COP28, plus projections for Minnesota climate and energy policy in 2024
January 12, 2024
Presenter: J. Drake Hamilton of Fresh Energy
Ms. Hamilton is the Senior Director of Science Policy at Fresh Energy and attended COP28 in Dubai. An expert in climate and energy policy at the state and national levels, her responsibilities include scientific analysis and policy development of clean energy solutions to global warming that will maximize economic opportunities.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Options – Hand in Hand
November 10, 2023
Presenter: Tanuj Gulati, Director, Frontier Energy
Frontier Energy is a professional services firm delivering energy efficiency, market transformation, and transportation solutions through technical consulting, program development and implementation, and technology development. Frontier works with governments, regulators and stakeholders to achieve consensus for program objectives and design. Clients include major utilities like Xcel and CenterPoint, community choice energy providers and regional energy networks.
Energy Leadership Stories from Red Wing
Friday, October 13, 2023
Presenter: Rich Huelskamp, Member and Former Chair, Southcentral Minnesota Clean Energy Council
Red Wing features a fantastic natural environment in which citizens can play, work and live. They recognize its value and work hard to preserve it. The City Council has been very supportive in accomplishing this goal with onsite solar installations and purchases of renewable energy. The School District has followed suit, making their buildings more energy efficient and leasing property for community solar, helping its budget bottom line. Red Wing also works with Xcel Energy in its Partners in Energy (PIE) program.
The Business Case for Solar
Friday, September 8, 2023
Presenter: Ian McDonald, a Hutchinson, MN, commercial real estate developer, mortgage banker and principal of Wildflower Properties, LLC.
McDonald has seen a 14% ROI by adding solar rooftops to his real estate portfolio. He is installing his seventh business solar system this year. He has 26 years in residential mortgage banking and 20 years as a commercial property investor, landlord and owner with a primary focus on industrial use real estate.
What an electric cooperative is, and BENCO’s part in Minnesota’s 100% clean electricity by 2040 goal
Friday, August 11, 2023
Presenter: Dave Sunderman, CEO of BENCO, a rural energy cooperative in southern Minnesota, and former member of the Governor's Advisory Council on Climate Change
Dave Sunderman has been at BENCO Electric Cooperative since 1992, and recently served on the Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Change, which provided input to Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework.
What’s ahead for State and Federal Clean Energy Opportunities and where is the Energy Development Team at the Minnesota Department of Commerce plugging in to help?
Friday, July 14, 2023
Presenter: Lissa Pawlisch, Director of the Energy Development Section, Minnesota Department of Commerce
Lissa Pawlisch serves as the Energy Development Section Director at the MN Department of Commerce. Lissa’s team includes the Emerging Energy Technologies, Energy Market Transformation, and Energy Environmental Review and Analysis teams. Together, these teams provide programs, technical assistance, environmental review, and funding for informed clean energy decision making and development.
Sustainable funding opportunities for a cleaner future
Friday, June 9, 2023
Presenter: Beth Kallestad, Principal Sustainability Planner, Office of Sustainability and Public Health, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Video of the presentation (passcode #du+$L14)
Beth joined the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Office of Sustainability & Public Health in June 2022. Her primary project is implementation of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program along with supporting other EV work at MnDOT. She recently served as a Program Coordinator for the City of Northfield helping to develop and implement its Climate Action Plan.
What the Public Utilities Commission does, what it doesn’t do, and what is the future of Minnesota’s energy challenges
Friday, May 12, 2023
Presenter: Joe Sullivan, Vice Chair, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
Video of the presentation — NOTE: The actual presentation starts about 6 minutes in
Joe Sullivan currently serves as Chair of the MISO Regional Expansion Criteria and Benefits Working Group (RECBWG) and is as a member of the Board of Directors for the Organization of MISO States (OMS). He also serves as a member of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). (See more here.)
All about electric vehicles with Stephanie Dorman of Recharge America
Friday, March 10, 2023
Stephanie Dorman is the National Program Director for Recharge America.
There is no recording, but the presentation is here.
A discussion of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040 with Sen. Nick Frentz
Friday, February 10, 2023
Sen. Nick Frentz, co-author of the bill to require 100% carbon-free energy by 2040 in Minnesota, addressed the forum, answering questions about the bill and where Minnesota plans to go from here.
Rural Communities Leading the Way towards Energy Transition: Observations from the Region Nine December Fact-finding Tour to Germany
Friday, January 13, 2023
The PDF of the presentation is here.
The recording is here. (Please note, due to technical difficulties, the recording doesn't start till about 5 minutes into the presentation.)
Electric vehicles: How you can benefit by going EV
November 18, 2022
Presenter: Jukka Kukkonen, Clean Transportation Consultant for Fresh Energy
Jukka is the founder of Shift2Electric, a Minnesota-based electric vehicle market and technology consulting firm and he teaches EV Markets and Technology at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. He advises on the transition from internal combustion engines (ICEs) to electric vehicles (EVs) throughout Minnesota.
The recording is here.
A PDF of the presentation is here.
The Inflation Reduction Act: What it's about and what it could mean for you
Friday, October 14, 2022
Presenters: Lissa Pawlisch, Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) Statewide Director, and Peter Lindstrom, CERTs Manager of Public Sector & Community Engagement
The recording of the presentation is here:
Websites pertinent to the presentation:
CERTs Inflation Reduction Act presentation
The Inflation Reduction Act: what you need to know
Inflation Reduction Act resources
What to expect on energy issues in the 2023 Minnesota legislature
Friday, September 16, 2022
Attending: Rep. Susan Akland, Rep. Luke Frederick, Sen. Nick Frentz (via Zoom), Sen. John Jasinski, Rep. Jeremy Munson, Sen. Dave Senjem (via Zoom)
(No recording available.)
No forum for August 2022
We took a much needed break.
Xcel Energy’s Path to Clean Energy
Friday, July 8, 2022
Presenters: Anna Thill, Southwest Community Relations Manager, Xcel Energy, and Sara Barrow, Carbon-Free Future MN Coalition and Xcel Energy
The recording of the forum is here:
Xcel sites mentioned in Friday's forum:
Save Money and the Environment by Tapping into Electrification Opportunities
Friday, June 10, 2022
Presenters: Josh Quinnell and Rabi Vandergon of the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE)
NOTE: An interview with Josh Quinnell can be heard on KMSU radio's "Every Day Is Earth Day" here.
As electricity becomes increasingly powered by renewable sources, electrification is now a primary climate solution. There are many ways to participate in the journey toward electrification. Join Josh Quinnell and Rabi Vandergon from Center for Energy and Environment to discussed these money saving, environmentally friendly opportunities when considering home upgrades.
Sustainable soil management practices to combat climate change
Friday, May 13, 2022
Presenter: Dr. Mriganka De, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, and head of the Soil and Water Quality Lab at Minnesota State University, Mankato
Agriculture is a huge economic driver in southcentral Minnesota. But are we farming the right way to prevent a warming future?
Minnesota Habitat Friendly Solar Program
Friday, April 8, 2022
Presenter: Paul Erdmann, Buffer and Soil Loss Specialist, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)
The Minnesota Habitat Friendly Solar Program program supports the establishment of habitat for pollinators, songbirds, and other species at solar facilities in Minnesota. In addition to renewable energy and wildlife habitat, these sites can also provide other benefits such as improving water quality and soil health. Support is provided through a combination of technical resources, collaboration with conservation partners and project assessment forms.
Electric vehicles: Are they as cool as people say?
Friday, March 11, 2022
A discussion with Mankato area EV and PHEV owners about their experiences owning plug-in vehicles. Sorry! We were not able to record the event.
Are electric vehicles the answer to transportation access, affordability and equity?
Friday, Feb. 11, 2022
The PDF of the slides is here.
Presenter: Anjali Bains, Fresh Energy Lead Director of Energy Access and Equity
As well as being Fresh Energy's Lead Director of Energy Access and Equity, Ms. Bains is a Clean Energy Leadership Institute fellow. She is a graduate of Columbia University with a B.S. in Earth and Environmental Engineering.
How Do College Students View Their Future in a Warming Climate?
Friday, Jan. 14, 2022
Moderated by Prof. Jeff Jeremiason, Gustavus Adolphus College
Many students have said they are pessimistic about the future because of climate change and the lack of action on this threat by governments and businesses. But is this really true?
Students from Gustavus Adolphus College and Minnesota State University, Mankato, discuss their hopes and fears regarding the climate crisis: what they expect the world of their adult lives to look like; whether they are optimistic or pessimistic about the future; and what part they expect to play in confronting this challenge.
From the Mankato Free Press: "Local college students voice fears, hopes about climate change"